Some of the bijoux I discovered this week.
Researching the History of Your House in Toronto by Barbara Myrvold on Local History & Genealogy (Toronto Public Library).
In Memory of: Resetting children’s gravestones at Woodland by Robyn Lacy on Take a Walk Through London’s History with Woodland Cemetery.
St. Antoine Cemetery, 1799-1854 by Robert N. Wilkins on For Good Measure.
Landed Estate Courts by Donna Moughty on Irish Family Roots.
A Primer in Irish Genealogy by Michael John Neill on Genealogy Search Tip.
Use A Genealogy Wildcard Search For Better Ancestor Search Results by Lisa Lisson on Are You My Cousin?
Ontario has a grave problem — its tombstones are falling apart by Haydn Watters, CBC, London, Ontario.
“Loyalist Burial Site” Plaques Unveiled!, United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada – St. Lawrence Branch, Morrisburg, Ontario.
NY Senate passes bill allowing adoptees to get their birth certificate, WHEC, Rochester, New York.
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