Prince Edward Island archives moving up the street this fall

Only a week after the public learned the Prince Edward Island Public Archives and Records Office in Charlottetown was looking for a new home to acquire more space, officials announced the provincial archives will move to the Atlantic Technology Centre, only a couple of blocks away, by this fall.

According to a CBC report, “Moving the archives to ATC will allow for a larger public service area for clients…. Officials say they will try to minimize the impact of the move on patrons, and take care to protect the valuable collection.”

ATC is located at 176 Great George Street.

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One Response to Prince Edward Island archives moving up the street this fall

  1. Toni says:

    Holding my breath that the long lost document I need for my Ward brick wall will be found! I hope they take every drawer out and look behind it! Wouldn’t it be just too wonderful if something came to light after all these years!!

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