Note: Since about September 2018, this solution is no longer necessary. Simply, upload your AncestryDNA raw data to FamilyTreeDNA.
Uploading AncestryDNA raw data for free to FamilyTreeDNA (FTDNA) has been a problem for many genealogists and me since at least October.
FTDNA told me the problem was Ancestry’s. It had something to do with their tokens, I think. In turn, Ancestry told me the problem resided with FTDNA.
Not willing to give up, I tried all sorts of tricks, including a failed attempt to change some of the raw data code, but I still couldn’t solve my problem until this week.
The solution for me was to use a simple conversion tool on the Mapmy23 website. The tool converts an AncestryDNA raw data file into a format accepted by FTDNA, using a blank template of a known v2.0 working file format.
Sound technical? It doesn’t matter. Just follow the four steps.
- Click on Choose File and look through your computer directories to find and select the zip file AncestryDNA sent you.
- Then, click on Upload.
- Within seconds, a new web page will open, displaying all the data. Above this data, click on Download Fixed Zip File.
- Now, look in the downloaded documents on your computer to find the new zip file. That’s the file you will upload to FTDNA.
While not a very technical person, I was able to easily and quickly convert my raw data into a file FTDNA could use.
Now with my cousin’s AncestryDNA results on FTDNA, I can see people she matches who have tested with FTDNA and other companies.
If you haven’t uploaded your AncestryDNA raw data to FTDNA, go do so now. Now. It’s free.
I learned about this conversion tool from Nina on the Genetic Genealogy Tips & Techniques Facebook group that Blaine Bettinger manages.
Hi Gail
Tried tried your suggestions, but I must be doing something wrong, I use Windows 10. Found the zip file from Ancestry, but no upload icon or direction. If I open the zip file there is still no upload.
Click on Choose File at the top of the page linked in the blog post. That should open your directories. Look for your AncestryDNA zip file. Highlight it and click on Open. Then, at the top of the page linked in the blog post, click on the box, marked Upload. Keep me posted.
The Upload icon is on the link in the blog post.
I was helping a patron at my local Family History Center who wanted to upload her raw DNA file to FTDNA and MyHeritage. It wasn’t working and so I sent up the white flag in Blaine Bettinger’s DNA FB group and got this very suggestion. Worked like a charm.
The Genetic Genealogy Tips & Techniques Facebook group, with Blaine Bettinger and others offering suggestions, is great for genealogists new to DNA and experienced. Nice to learn you find the group helpful too. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Gail,
I followed all the steps, converted, and was unsuccessful with the upload – same error message as with my original ancestry zip file. Any suggestions? Thanks. Btw, my version is 2.
I just learned last week, we no longer need to convert our Ancestry DNA results to upload to FTDNA. Simply upload them.
Thanks Gail,
Tried the original, now it only says “could not be uploaded. Try again later”. Guess it’s better than “corrupted format”, etc. thank you for getting back to me.
The best advice I can give is to download your AncestryDNA raw data again, and upload that zip file to FTDNA. It worked for me a week ago.