Protestant church records from France available on FamilySearch

FamilySearch has added the record collection, France, registres protestants, 1536-1897 (France, Protestant church records, 1536-1897).

This collection contains Protestant church baptism, marriage, and burial records collected and held by the Société de l’histoire du protestantisme français from Protestant churches located in a variety of locations in France, though principally Parisian. The society included records from the Église réformé de Paris (Reformed Church of Paris), Église méthodiste (Methodist Church), and the Église évangelique (Evangelical Church).

You can search by name or browse through images in France, Protestant Church Records, 1536-1897. (To see what some of the records look like, search for Jeanne Prevost.)

To browse by image:
⇒Select “Browse through images” on the initial collection page
⇒Select the “Country” category
⇒Select the “Department and Commune” category
⇒Select the “Record Type and Year” category which takes you to the images.

The FamilySearch Wiki contains more information about this collection.

Remember, you now need to log in or set up a free FamilySearch account to view the images. Logging in has been required since mid-December.

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