MyHeritage and FamilyTreeWebinars yesterday announced registration is now open for their 2018 Legacy Family Tree webinar series, and they provided the line-up of topics, speakers, and dates for 106 classes.
All live webinars are free, and the recordings are free to watch for the first seven days.
A webinar subscription provides additional benefits, including syllabus material and access to more than 600 previously recorded webinars. In addition to the live webinar series, every Friday is “Member Friday” where subscribers will enjoy a bonus pre-recorded webinar.
My Heritage and FamilyTreeWebinars will once again host the monthly webinar series for the Board for Certification of Genealogists.
They will also host a brand new webinar series, MyHeritage Webinars, where you can learn about matching technology, get insights into DNA ethnicity, and digital photos.
Click here to register and click here to register for multiple webinars at once.
The webinar brochure also provides a good overview and it can be printed and shared with friends and at your local genealogy society.
Flyer will not print from your email, any website, etc.??
Other sites print OK?
It prints for me, but here is the link that appears in the blog post: