Webinar — Problems and pitfalls of a reasonably shallow search

Now that the big rush is over, except for hunting down Boxing Week sales and preparing for New Year’s, you may have a chance for some quiet moments to work on your genealogy research.

Legacy Family Tree is hosting a free webinar, Problems and Pitfalls of a Reasonably Shallow Search, presented by Elissa Scalise Powell, today, Wednesday, December 27, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern time.

Through examples the problems with not conducting an exhaustive search will be highlighted. Assumptions, misinterpretations, and not digging deep enough into original records will all be showcased as to how they can mislead research, sometimes for years. Encouraging the audience to follow the principles of a reasonably exhaustive search should give them incentive to make it a part of their usual research habits. They will also learn particular pitfalls to watch for.

Register to watch the live webinar. It will likely be recorded and available to watch for free for up to seven days afterward.

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