Celebrating female ancestors

The Quebec Family History Society (QFHS) invites members and non-members to join them at Celebrating Our Female Ancestors on Tuesday, May 20, from 1:30 – 4:00 p.m., to chat about experiences searching for grandmothers and aunts, to pick up tips from fellow genealogists about researching elusive female ancestors, and to see what resources are available in the society’s library.

Sub-titled, How to find a women, this casual get-together will have a special focus on suffragettes and finding French Canadian women. One member will make a mini-presentation to share how she broke down a brick wall to find a female ancestor. Who knows? Perhaps there will be other presentations.

Those attending are encouraged to bring along memorabilia or books on finding female ancestors or on women’s lives that you would like put on display. Men are more than welcome to this event. Tea, coffee and baked goods will be served.

The QFHS Heritage Centre and Library is located at 173 Cartier Avenue, Suite 102, Pointe-Claire, Quebec. Visit the QFHS website for more information.

Copyright © 2014, Gail Dever.

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