This week’s crème de la crème — December 3, 2016

Some of the bijoux I discovered this week.

Crème de la crème of genealogy blogsBlogs
Loyalist Records Online: An Overview and Using the Records Loyalists Left Behind: The Search for Henry Anguish by Paula Dumas on Isles Abroad.

From the Archives: Finding Your Ancestor in the 19th Century’s Election Polls for the District of Montréal by Diane Tourville on Genealogy on my Mind.

Ontario Genealogy Resources by Dianne Nolin on Genealogy: Beyond the BMD.

Resettling Child Refugees: Canada and Armenian Orphans, 1923-1927 by Jan Raska on Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 Blog.

Yukon Family History & Museums by Penny Allen on UK to Canada Genealogy.

Explore Open Collections – The Klondike Gold Rush by Alyssa Hamer on UBC Digitization Centre.

YouTube: Irish Religious Records and Unique Histories from the 18th and 19th Centuries
by John D. Reid on Canada’s Anglo-Celtic Connections.

What Was Your Ancestor’s Property Worth? by Dick Eastman on Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter

Absolutely Everything There is to Know… by Jacqui Stevens on A Family Tapestry.

My Genealogical Education Plan by Mary Ann on Collecting Cousins.

Preserving Diaries and Journals by Melissa Barker on A Genealogist In The Archives.

Grab A Camera And Preserve the Artifacts by Devon Noel Lee on A Patient Genealogist.

Avoid Being Overwhelmed By Your Genealogy Research by Jake Fletcher on Legacy News.

Health and Sickness in New France (Hélène’s World-Part 4)  by Sandra Goodwin on Maple Stars and Stripes.

1918 Spanish Flu led to Saskatchewan’s first female MLA by Bill Waiser, Saskatoon (Saskatchewan) Star Phoenix.

The early days of Yukon agriculture by Miche Genest, Yukon News.

Remembering the 20,000 Famine refugees who died in 1847 by Michael Collins, Irish Times, Dublin.

Pickering library has future plans for storing the city’s past by Kristen Calis, Pickering (Ontario) News Advertiser.

Genealogy record round-up: French ancestors by Jon Bauckhan on Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine, Bristol, England.

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