PRONI adds more lectures on YouTube

During the past week, PRONI — the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland — has added new lectures to its YouTube channel, PRONIonline, that may interest genealogists.


The following lectures were delivered late last year.

Irish In The Great Lakes. “All routes led to Chicago: Irish railroad workers and canal builders in the nineteenth century.”

The Colonial Project and The ‘Problem’ of Irish Place Names. The colonial project and the problem of Irish placenames.

The Miracle That Is Turas. Irish Culture and Language in conjunction with Foras na Gaeilge about the Turas project in East Belfast.

The Fadgies. PRONI and Foras na Gaeilge staged this talk which focused on the origin of Irish speakers in nineteenth century Belfast.

Theses lectures and many others can be watched on PRONIonline. Click on Videos to see all that are available.

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