Savoir fair — Saskatchewan society’s index of official name changes remains useful resource

Saskatchewan Coat of ArmsMore than 20 years ago, the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society prepared an index of name changes documented in The Saskatchewan Gazette between 1917 and 1950, and the index remains a useful genealogy resource today.

On March 27, 1933 the Change of Name Act was proclaimed in Saskatchewan. This was the first legislation in the province to formalize the process of legally changing one’s name. With certain exceptions, it allowed for anyone over the age of 21 years to apply for a change of name.

The Saskatchewan Genealogical Society describes the Saskatchewan Gazette as an “important, comprehensive source of information regarding all formal applications for changes of name in the province from 1933.” Some notices go back to 1917.

Other provinces also published official name changes in their provincial Gazette.

You can read the Saskatchewan Genealogical Society’s 53-page Changes of Name: Saskatchewan Gazette, 1917 to 1950 here.

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