Montreal’s annual Nuit Blanche includes a genealogy event

Montreal is well known for its nightlife, and one of the city’s most popular annual events is this weekend’s Nuit Blanche (sleepless night) when thousands will attend more than 200 free cultural, musical, culinary, and sports-oriented activities from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.

Since genealogists have been known to work tirelessly on their research into the wee hours of the morning, it should perhaps come as no surprise that a genealogy society will also participate in Nuit Blanche.

Source of Demontigny family photo: BAnQ Collection Centre d'archives de Québec. (P1000,S4,D18,P04). Graphic courtesy of La Société généalogique canadienne-française, Montréal.

Source of Demontigny family photo: BAnQ Collection Centre d’archives de Québec. (P1000,S4,D18,P04). Graphic courtesy of La Société généalogique canadienne-française, Montréal.

For the first time, the Société généalogie canadienne-française (SGCF) will hold its own event, Nuit de la généalogie (night of genealogy), at the historic Château Ramezay museum in Old Montreal, and they invite genealogists to join them.

The French Canadian genealogy society will host its “Technonite genealogy event” for the general public on Saturday, February 27, from 7:00 p.m. to midnight.

In a news release, the SGCF said, “For neophytes attending this event, we will help them find their French Canadian family roots, break down their genealogy brick walls, solve their family secrets and answer all the questions they may have.”

Since the SGCF issued its news release in both French and English, I expect the society will warmly invite all genealogists, including those who have difficulty speaking and understanding French.

Upon arrival, visitors will receive a blank pedigree chart to fill out with the name of their
parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. Then, with the help of the society’s expert genealogists, visitors will build their family tree and explore their family history.

Free admission. For more information, contact Suzanne Galaise at

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2 Responses to Montreal’s annual Nuit Blanche includes a genealogy event

  1. Diane Tourville says:

    Dear Gail,

    I would like to let you know that I will be one of the researchers at that event and I will be happy to help any genealogist who are not fluent in French. All are welcome! 🙂

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