Genealogy à la carte email notifications temporarily out of order

Something fishy has been taking place with the email notifications many of you receive from this blog.

FishIf you signed up to receive email notifications about every article published on Genealogy à la carte, you perhaps noticed you haven’t received anything since Friday, May 20. The service is temporarily unavailable. It seems the cyber gremlins have played with the wires and disconnected some of them.

In the meantime, while I try to fix the problem, please check here from time to time. As you perhaps know, I publish one or two articles, sometimes three, every day. You will also find every one of my articles, along with posts from other blogs and articles, on the Genealogy à la carte Facebook group.

Many thanks to John D. Reid who spread the word about my problem on his blog, Canada’s Anglo-Celtic Connections. Every bit helps.

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